Humbug Mountain State Park.


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Oregon is known for their state parks, and I’ve hit many of them on my way down the coast…and have camped at many too….but this one has really grabbed me…..Humbug Mountain State Park.

It’s just South of Port Orford, where there are some of the most magnificent ocean views I’ve seen. If you travel this way make a point to stop at Port Orford and see the views.

The campground is just off the 101 and it has RV amenities, so the sites are close together and such, but there are trees and its nestled in a valley with mountains all around….the beach is a 3 minute walk, and its beautiful, rocks coming out of the ocean, cliffs and a creek that feeds into the ocean… must enter from the campground to get beach access so its pretty low key….but I’m also hear at the beginning of the slow season. I saw some amazing sunsets here, photos below

And you cant beat the price….$22 for hookups and $17 for a tent site, I went with a tent site, and had a blackberries (actually I think they are Marion Berries)  at my site for morning snacks! There was also a family of bluejays that played in the trees around me, beautiful birds, one even flew into my camper!!….I sorta freaked out but the jay stayed under control and found his way out.

There is a few trailheads close by too…I decided to tackle Humbug Mountain, starts at sea level and climbs 3 miles to the top through a old growth forest….you do get some awesome ocean views on the way up, good excuse to stop and catch your breathe…

The next day I did a morning walk through the forest to the Old Highway 101 Trail….I believe this is part of the Pacific Coast Trail too….Am going to do more research on this, the trail is paved and gives an amazing view of the ocean below….if you are into history, its cool to think you are walking down a narrow paved road that once was a highway!!

The Southern coast of Oregon has treated me well so far….the towns are small, the 101 is less busy and the scenery is just awesome!! Only about 100 miles to California and the Redwoods, but looking forward to what Oregon has coming.

up next….The Redwoods



Last modified: September 13, 2016

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