Winter Baja Adventure


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Many of you know I had the pleasure and opportunity to travel the Baja Peninsula at the beginning of 2020.

The idea started last July when I was easily convinced to buy a ticket for the Xscapers Convergence in San Felipe. I never really gave allot of thought to travel into Mexico, mainly because I didn’t have confidence in my rig to safely get in and back without some sort of breakdown! So, one of the first things I thought about after purchasing the ticket was “I need a smaller rig”!!! I started looking into smaller options, thinking it would be nice to keep my current setup but have something small to use from time to time….fast forward a couple months later when my C-Class and I decided to get a divorce, took that option off the table.

It was good because I already started looking at smaller rigs and ended up with a perfect setup for Mexico, my 13ft. Scamp and my Jeep Liberty. I was able to have a stress free Baja adventure….my setup was perfect for the narrow roads, sand and beach camping and adventuring Baja had.

If you want to get into the weeds of Baja I recently did a Podcast getting into the experience in more detail…the link is HERE….and if you just want to see some pretty photos, skip to the end…but I will keep this short (I promise) and just touch on a few observation:

It’s so beautiful, which I’m sure most would guess….sandy beaches, oceans, mountains and high desert areas the would be National Parks here in the U.S.

It’s refreshing to drive into a town and not see a Subway on one corner and a McDonalds on the other. The food is amazing and so are the people! I didn’t have a bad meal or experience while there and I miss it just writing about it : (

If you are weary about staying safe, don’t be!! I find if very safe and spoke about that more on the Podcast.

I really felt the world slowed down! Its not the fast paced world we are forced into here, you can’t but be enamored by the history, cities and locals who make this place special. The beauty is unique and always leaving you wanting more and exited to move down the road to see whats around the bend….

Some of my favorite moments were whale watching, seeing the turtle release, the wonderful food and margs, beach camping, watching rays jump out of the water, extreme bocce ball with friends!!, and just the simple act of taking it all in!

If anyone has any questions about traveling in the Baja let me know and enjoy the photos below….



  • Whale watching in Guerrero Negro
  • Whale watching in Guerrero Negro
  • Whale watching in Guerrero Negro
  • Whale watching in Guerrero Negro
  • Love juat taking photos aound town
  • Love juat taking photos aound town
  • Love juat taking photos aound town
  • relaxing in Loreto
  • Sunset on the bay
  • Sunset on the bay
  • Loreto
  • on a hike
  • on a hike
  • on a hike
  • Best hot dog I've ever had - Los Barrilies
  • Sunset - Todos Santos
  • Sunset - Todos Santos
  • Sunset - Todos Santos
  • Sunset - Todos Santos
  • Turtle release - Todos Santos
  • Turtle release - Todos Santos
  • Carival - La Paz
  • Carival - La Paz
  • Carival - La Paz
  • Carival - La Paz
  • Carival - La Paz
  • Oh the Scamp - and Mazzy
  • Mulege
  • Mazzy making friends
  • campground doggy
  • San Ignacio
  • Scamp!!
  • Natural hot springs
  • Natural hot springs
  • Natural hot springs
  • Oh the Scamp
  • San Felipe
  • The whales!!
  • The whales!!
  • Loreto
  • Loreto
  • Loreto
  • words to live by
  • The Scamp in Nature
  • are we on the right or wrong side?!?!
  • Sunset
  • La Paz
  • Loreto
  • The Mazzy
  • Mulege
  • Mulege
  • Scamp at Sunset
  • San Felipe

Last modified: May 2, 2020

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