Mystic Hot Strings – Monroe UT


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The website for Mystic Hot Strings says “you will be take back to the 60’s and 70’s”….and I would say thats true!!…This place is a piece of land that is still in the golden years of the hippy movement….You can camp and use the hot springs….Bring a tent or camper….if you don’t have those they have a couple cabins and the best part…. you can stay in a old hippy bus!!…Thats right, there is a entire row of these beauties, one even had half of a VW bus on top.

My time here was pleasant…I met the owner when I checked in and we talked music for 10 minute…the story goes he was driving from Vegas to Denver after seeing The Dead show in 1995,  loved the place so much he stayed…then bought the place…

They seem to have a lot of land with all the camping, hot springs, some houses, a row of trailers (17 in which people live full time) and they have ducks and llamas I guess (didn’t see them)…They are every eco-conscious as well.

The hot springs where great!!….They have a couple big pools and actual tubs!!…You can sit in your tub and look out over the entire campground with mountains in the background.

The one thing that was not brought from the 60s here at Mystic Hot Strings was the sex, drugs and rock in roll!!….I guess there is live music here from time to time…but in the tubs there is no nudity or alcohol….they want everyone to feel welcomed and comfortable…I’m on board with that and think its wonderful!!

All in all I had a blast…it was peaceful….i was actually in bed my 10pm because of a long day and the relaxation of the tubs and surroundings…Maybe I was expecting more of a hippy commune vibe….but I think I’m too old the that stuff anyway!!!


To plan your visit to this awesome place!!


  • Mazzy is down there!!...waiting for me as I hot spring it

Last modified: June 21, 2016

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