Nature, photography and the art of t-shirt design


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I spend most of time time outside…enjoying the sun, fresh air, either in the mountains, the beach, lake, river or a forest. As a traveler I utilize county, city, state, national parks and public lands, both for the enjoyment of hiking, relaxing and for camping….needless to say I love nature and the outdoors and it gives me much more than I could ever give back.

I personally find it sad that the people who were chosen to represent us at the highest level don’t seem to feel the same as I do, or feel the need to protect these places for future generations, or even more feel the need to protect the earth we live on simply for a means of our health and overall survival.

With all the being said, I decided to take my love for nature and my love of design and photography and create some simple t-shirts! I started a artist shop on threadless a few months back and have just added some new designs on the theme of nature and the need for us to do all we can to protect mother nature so we can enjoy her beauty and sustain the planet we live on.

I will donate some of the money made to organizations to protect our national parks, monuments and public lands. My first place to donate to will be the National Park Foundation.

Please check out my store (click here) and let me know what you think or if you have any ideas, I have a few more I will be added hopefully soon. Please only comment on my designs and the t-shirts, nothing political please….I want to keep my blog and Facebook page a safe and positive place. There are enough people out there over the internets to challenge their viewpoints and start an arguments with than me…and have more time and energy on their hands : ) …thank you

Last modified: July 21, 2017

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