Alabama Hills CA


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I’m finally back up!…My blog was down for months due to a virus….But I’m hopeful that all is well and this wont happen again…

Instead of recapping everything I’ve been up to, i would rather focus on the present…

“Do not dwell on the past, so not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment”…..~Buddha

With that being said, Im wrapping up my time at the Alabama Hills area in Eastern CA. If you have not heard of the place, make sure to Google it and see the slideshow below, it’s worth the time to check and and visit

Such a beautiful and special place….high desert with amazing rock formations….parts remind me of Joshua Tree….and then you have the Sierra Nevada Mountains and Mt. Whitney as your backdrop….one cant feel but at peace and smile when being in a place like this….it feels as each hour passes nature continues to give and give as the clouds and the sun reposition themselves in the sky creating a new backdrop to enjoy


My campsite off Movie Rd.

Movie Road is a popular place to boondock/camp and there have been over 400 movies filmed there….including Ironman and Django Unchained….i saw a car commercial being filmed while i was here….…. I found a beautiful place to camp for the weekend with a 360 degree view with no people in site….great place to explore, hike, bike….there were a lot of people on motorcycles, dune buggies / 4×4 and many climbers…

the rest of my stay i was at a BLM campground so i could work….$5 a night with restrooms and water…..the Sierra Nevada Mountains were right out my window as i worked…got to experience some desert wind…4 days straight!!….woke up one night and thought i might have been blown to Kansas : )

….also did an wonderful hike into the mountains that ended at a old house build by Franklin Merrell-Wolff and his wife Sherifa….here is a link in case you have any interest:

started in high desert to mountains and pine trees….even got to play in the snow….all said i climbed 2600 ft….

I’ve had a wonderful experience here….there are not lot of people around now…so it was a bit isolating….but it was something i needed at the time….did meet some wonderful older folks who loved to share their travel stories and make the time to love on Mazzy….the closest town is Lone Pine….not much there really….reminds me of a town that never left 1975….but there is a market so its all good by me

much rather share photos than write too much….enjoy and thanks for reading my first post of the year!!….more to come




Last modified: April 5, 2017

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