Crater Lake in Winter


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My first trip to Crater Lake was 3 years ago on a road trip from San Francisco to Portland and it was one of those special moments that lived up to everything that was in my head! Not only did I get to visit the Redwoods for the first time I got to see, hike and camp at Crater Lake!!  It is one of those places one needs to experience in person. There is something about the deep blue water that looks like nothing I’ve ever seen before.

One thing I wanted to do was visit Crater Lake in the winter, so when I saw the forecast was in the 40’s last weekend I thought this was a perfect opportunity to see the park in the snow but without all the wind and snow!

The Crater Lake newspaper says Crater Lake is one of the snowiest inhabited places in America. Storms from the Pacific Ocean dump an annual average of 43 feet. And there was snow everywhere! And of course, I forgot my snowshoes….but to see the park under feet of snow was an awesome sight to see

I felt fortunate because Crater Lake in the winter and spring is obscured by clouds 50% of the time….As I drove up I was nervous because all I could see was fog, but the “nature gods” were good to me and it quickly gave way to sunny skies.

Enjoy the photo gallery….The other day I posted on Instagram about the importance of photographers to National Parks in the early 1900’s….just though it was interesting… is the post….

AND….be sure to check out my t-shirt shop….they might not be the sexist shirt you have ever bought but I will donate some of the proceeds to our National Parks!!!


  • Pacific Crest Trail
  • Thasi is where Ctrater Lake was formed
  • Mazzy being the Queen of the snow!!



Last modified: February 6, 2018

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